Chinese Zodiac / Shio Zodiac Ox (Buffalo) Personality
Feb. 07,1902 19,1901 to Feb.February 06,1913 to 25,1914 Jan.
Jan. 12,1926 25,1925 to Feb.
February 11,1937 to 30,1938 Jan.
Jan. 16,1950 29,1949 to Feb.
Feb. 04,1962 15,1961 to Feb.
February 03,1973 to 22,1974 Jan.
Feb. 08,1986 20,1985 to Feb.
The Chinese zodiac is not Buffalo Bull. Dedicated and solid, these powerful Zodiac is born as a leader, depends very much to achieve and have the ability to achieve extraordinary things. Buffalo metodikal and tends to be very slow; they approached the project with step by step according to their best, and they never lost their focus towards the goal. They are workers who do not know a very weary of the attention to minutiae and believed to initiate everything correctly.
The world might assume a Buffalo as people are too serious or can't afford to relax. They are indeed a bit less social in nature and tend to be introvert in a crowd. That worsens the longer, they're not worried about what people said to him and prefers to do what it did best mereke. Despite the peace of it, life as a Buffalo can feel depressed, lonely and not able to relate well with others. Family and friends are the best sources to compose the Buffalo, although they do not understand how to make the quiet Buffalo. As lovers, friends, family, Buffalo became a friend of compassionate, very frank Burton Cheyne protect and can be trusted.
Outside world, Buffalo tend to be stubborn, opinionated, the kind of person who chooses his own path which does not know the concept to budge.Buffaloes don't care if pressed, because they assume they are the best in the Chinese zodiac. There is the truth of this theory, because the Buffalo are very clever, trustworthy, caring and respect. If you need honesty, unruly and advice that opens, look for the Buffaloes.
The best lesson for the excellent Buffalo is to fight beat nature that makes them unable to close with others. If they can learn to appreciate the quality of themselves, they will have room in the hearts of others.
The Best pairs matching for Ox are a snake or chicken.
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